

Friday 18 May 2012

Official Tutorial On How to Mod or Hack Black Ops

As several people already decided to leak it, I'm going to release an official tutorial.
You will need to have:
-3.55 PS3
-4.11 PS3
-USB stick
-Tools for decrypting and encrypting self/bin files, I would recommend using failoverfl0w's tools
-HxD (or your preferred hex editor)


Prerequisite: Data transfer from your 4.11 PS3 to your 3.55 PS3. This step can be skipped if you have Xploder. If you do skip it, you will need to use Xploder to resign your savegame before you load it on your 4.11 PS3.

1. Unself the debug EBOOT.BIN from the 1.02 update.
2. For the regular EBOOT.ELF, open it in HxD hex editor and go to the offset 0x35DE2C. Replace the next 8 bytes with this hex:

3C A0 00 90 38 A5 6E 20
3. Now, go to the offset 0x35DE4C. Replace the next four bytes with this hex:

3C A0 00 8F
4. Last hex replace, go to the offset 0x35DE54. Replace the next four bytes with this hex:

38 A5 FF 20
5. Now, go to the offset 0x8DFF20. This is where you will put binds/dvars for the GPAD0_SP file. Type up whatever stuff you want in here in notepad and copy it, then paste write (NOT paste insert) the text into the file starting at this offset. It is critical that the total size of your dvars/binds/commands is less than 1000 bytes or the save will not work.
6. The offset 0x8F6E20 is where the commands go for the GPAD0_CM file. Just like above, type up whatever stuff you want in here in notepad and copy it, then paste write (NOT paste insert) the text into the file starting at this offset. It is critical that the total size of your dvars/binds/commands is less than 1000 bytes or the save will not work.
7. Take the EBOOT.ELF you just finished modifying, save it, and make it into an EBOOT.BIN (I would recommend using failoverfl0w's tools for this). On your 3.55 ps3 install the 1.02 update, then copy your custom EBOOT.BIN into your USRDIR. Delete any black ops save data and launch the game. At the main menu, just click through all the settings and change your sensitivity. Quit the game, and your modified save data will be ready to go under Saved Data Utility. Copy it to a USB and save it for later.
8. Install the 1.13 update for black ops on your 3.55 PS3. Replace the patch.ff in the USRDIR/english directory with this one.
9. Data transfer to your 4.11 PS3, then sign in on your 4.11 on the same user account you were on when you generated the custom save. Copy the save over from your USB to your PS3. Enjoy having your binds/commands online

1. Unself the t5mp_ps3f.self just like you would have for zombies, follow steps from above.
2. Open it in HxD and go to the offset 0x524C5C. Replace the next 8 bytes with this hex:

3C A0 00 9E 38 A5 21 C0
3. Go to the offset 0x524C7C. Replace the next 12 bytes with this hex:

3C A0 00 9E 38 E0 03 E8 38 A5 24 5A
4. Go to the offset 0x9D2190. Here is where you can add a few dvars. Keep the length under 50 characters for this one.
5. Go to the offset 0x9D21D0. Here you can insert your dvars. Keep the length under 1000 characters or it won't be read by the game. Also, be warned that most dvars are cheat protected or get reset after the savegame loads.
6. Take the t5mp_ps3f.elf you just finished modifying, save it, and make it into an EBOOT.BIN (I would recommend using failoverfl0w's tools for this). On your 3.55 ps3 install the 1.02 update, then copy your custom EBOOT.BIN into your USRDIR. Delete any black ops save data and launch the game. At the MP menu, just wait til it fully loads and quit the game. Quit the game, and your modified save data will be ready to go under Saved Data Utility. Copy it to a USB.
7. Copy the save over to it's corresponding account on your 4.11 PS3. Enjoy your mods

How does it work?
It works by modifying the EBOOT to write your own data to the savegame. To be more specific, you take advantage of the default function in the game which saves data. What you are doing is modifying a pointer in the function to inject your own string of data, and the game takes that string and fully encrypts it for you so you don't have to worry about encrypting/decrypting any data on your own.

Now it's out. Hopefully all the leechers are happy, using zombie binds can and will get you console banned because you're using a modified fastfile. And you can be account banned for anything else.

Credit to .Choco @ NGU for this



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